
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Living it

"Work" is an important aspect of life, but it's not the ONLY part. Allow yourself to have fun. Having fun is not really a "waste" of time; you deserve to have fun in life. All that's needed is a change in perspective.

Quite a few people have told me that they feel "guilty" when they are having fun. Are you nodding your head in agreement too? Why?? BTW, was I one amongst these believers too, I am not so sure now. But what I do know now (and hence wish to share as unsolicited advice via "arbit philosophies") is that it is OK to enjoy. What else is the point in life, really? Sure, of course, do your bit to help others, be "good". But why suffer? As if, to live, was, to suffer. I am sure there is no such definition. Believe in your right to entertainment, to leisure, to enjoy. In fact, even work should be enjoyed, else move on to something else.

"Live and let live" sounds like a simple formula. If not interpreted the right way, it could even sound like indifference, callousness or apathy. However, its meaning is much more profound that that, will leave that for the next post.